Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Additional Pictures

It was bath time last night so here is Brett right afterwards. The little guy gets slippery! and yes we are careful with him. He seems to like baths which is good. And no he hasn't pooped during a one yet.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1-Month Check Up

Brett had his 1 month check up yesterday and all went well. He did cry throughout most of the appointment but I think it was because it was outside of his routine. He now is up to 9lbs 3oz. This puts him in the 33rd Percentile. I believe his birth weight had him in the 15th percentile so he is catching up! Also, his length is now 21" which puts him in the 29th percentile overall. No shots this time but at the two month visit he will be getting some of his first immunizations.

I've been hanging out with him in the mornings before work which has been great. I set him on the Rain Forect play mat we have and he loves it. It lights up and plays music and has all kinds of dangling things to look at. At night he seems to be a little more fussy but he is starting to sleep in his crib now because the bassinet was getting too small. Last night he went a couple good stretches of 2 hour naps which was really good. Hopefully longer naps are around the corner!

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Bouncy Seat

January 26th

It was Krisitin's birthday yesterday so we took the family to The Common Grill last night for a great dinner. Brett slept the whole time. Here is a picture of him with Kristin before we went out and afterwards when he was still in his car seat.


Here are some more pictures from today.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Brett Zachary Bingham

Welcome to Brett's blog. By updating this website with pictures and video I can provide more content than if I were to E-mail you. I hope you enjoy it!