Saturday, May 30, 2009


Brett has a new exersaucer so we had to post a video of him exploring it. He only goes around it counter-clockwise, which is kind of funny. Today we went as a family to get flowers and planted them around the yard. Early this morning it was our Saturday morning walk to the Farmer's Market. Apparently, I am the ambassador of Chelsea because 2 people asked me for directions while I was on our walk. Also, it's funny how much more respect cars give you when you are pushing a stroller. My last observation, mostly just the Dad's are out in the morning. The mom's must all be sleeping!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

First taste of cereal!

Brett is now 5 months old! The unofficial start of Summer and Brett was enjoying it. We went on as many walks as we could and hungout in the yard with the kitties. Today was the 2nd day in a row he had rice cereal. Being so new, we weren't sure if he would like it.....but he did great in eating several small spoonfuls as you can see by the video. We'll probably introduce more over the next several weeks. We also went and had a grill out at the Marr's. It's Monday night and we are tired but parenthood will do that to you. Got some new pictures that I'll post tomorrow.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


My how are little boy has grown!

Brett had a fussy day yesterday, but he was due since he had such a good weekend and week before that. I was up with him this morning playing with all his toys. He loves to wake us up and then when we go get him to give us a big old smile. A stinker for sure! We got him an exersaucer on Wed. which he loves exploring. He might still be a little small for it but it seems to hold his attention for at least a little bit. This weekend we plan a lot of family time and hopefully good weather. I am heading on a day hike with some friends on Saturday but have the rest of the weekend with him. I think Monday Grandpa and Grandma Marr are coming over for a grill out. Hope everyone has a great holiday too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all! Brett sends his best. Pretty low key day, making sure Kristin gets plenty of rest on her day. Just went for a walk downtown and now Brett is sleeping and I am relaxing watching golf. Having a good home cooked meal tonight.....trying a whole chicken on the grill. Anyway, I hope all the Grandma's enjoy their day too!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Visit to the eye Doctor

Brett had his appt. at the Kellogg Eye Center today to check out his birth mark near his eye. We had two doctor's check him out and both said that his vision in fine, he is utilizing both eyes equally, and that there are no immediate concerns or plans of actions. Like we have been told, they said it should hopefully get smaller and fade away. We've been told to watch to see if it grows bigger. We have another appt. with Kellogg in 6 months but they said if no change to either push the appt. back or cancel it. Brett was a trooper through it all, even when they put drops in his eyes to have them dilated. I gave him a Spiderman sticker on his way out that said super patient because he was! Kristin went out with some "mommies" tonight from her mother/baby group so it is boys night out. Brett and I had fun and look forward to the weekend as a family after me being in CA for 3 days this week.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Brett got to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Mohler this weekend becasue they came to Chelsea to visit. We all had a great visit with Brett was giving out smiles left and right. He still doesn't like to be held too much by anyone other than mom and dad but we are working on that. Saturday Brett and I did some errands (went to the dump, and grocery store) while Kristin, Grandma Mohler and Grandma Marr went out to lunch and shopping in Chelsea. We also heard a little belly laugh one day from Brett too which was new for me. He even pulled a toy off his rain forest jungle mat while he was lying there. Unfortunately, I have to be gone a few days for work this week but I will have all weekend with him when I get back!