Crossing the Macinaw Bridge has been on Kyle's bucket list for awhile now, so we finally decided it was time to cross that one off and do a little exploring in the U.P! We are fortunate that Brett is such a great traveler in the car, so our trip up was quite smooth and uneventful. We arrived late afternoon on Friday and our first stop was Macinaw City where there were great views of the bridge and a beach to explore!

"We're HERE!"

We gave Brett some freedom and let him just GO - he loved touching the grainy sand, watching the cars and trucks go over the bridge, and touching the cold water. It was so great to be free!

He thoroughly enjoyed running through these tall grasses and made this route quite a few times :-)

After having fun on the beach we decided it was time to actually DRIVE over the bridge and head to our hotel. We relaxed for a bit before dinner and Brett had the time of his life climbing on the big beds and running around the spacious hotel room. We had a little balcony to walk out on too, and this is what we looked out to. Beautiful!

After a fun dinner at a bar and grill we decided to hit the hay early so we would all be refreshed for a full day of fun on Saturday. And well, as we've learned since having Brett, things don't always go as planned. Brett was up all night with a bad cold, coughing and just not feeling good. And since he was up, so were we. When morning finally came, we pondered whether or not we should go home, but surprisingly Brett seemed to be in good spirits and feeling better, so we decided to go about our day and hope for the best. The day started out great...we drove about an hour and a half to Tahquamenon Falls and saw breathtaking views, ate a yummy lunch at the bar and grill, had a couple drinks, and through it all Brett was was such a champ. We could tell he was a little under the weather, but he was going with the flow and seemed to be having fun.
Here are some shots of the river and falls - nature at it's finest :-)

Brett fell asleep on the way back to our hotel, and when he woke up he clearly felt miserable. His cough had picked back up again and he needed a breathing treatment, but just our luck, we had left it at home. He was fussy and just not himself. We laid around in our hotel room for a bit hoping that he would perk back up but after an hour, when he still wasn't feeling good, we made the decision to head home that evening. We were bummed but had to take care of our baby boy. He was having a hard time at first on the way home because the DVD wasn't charged and he didn't feel good - so I pulled out a cherry stick for him to suck on, and THAT put a smile on his face :-)

We finally got home around 9:30, did a breathing treatment and put him to bed. He slept 13 hours straight and was a new boy the next day. It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do! From this trip we learned that you really just have to go with the flow when you have kids, and to ALWAYS bring his breathing machine with us!