Monday, February 2, 2009

Dad's Corner

Had a great weekend with Brett. He seemed to be less fussy and more adhering to a schedule. On Sunday our friends came over who have a 1 year old. It was a good lesson in what to expect because Owen was walking and "exploring" the whole house. In other words, we'll cherish these days were he isn't running around and is only 10 lbs. For the Super Bowl the family just hungout and dined on junk food. Brett was tired so we put him in the bouncy seat and he slept most of the time. This morning I got up with him before work and he slept on my stomach as I watched TV. It's fun to watch him make smily faces in his sleep. Can't believe how big he is getting too. There are actually outfits that he is out growing. We'll save them for the next baby (or for any cousins on the way). Somehow Kristin remembers who he got every outfit from. Must be a mother thing. Anyway, I'll try to put up more pictures tomorrow.


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