Brett had his 6 month check-up this week and all is well. He now weighs 17lbs. 13oz. which still puts him in the high 50th percentile. He is 26 inches long which put him in the 39th percentile for height. His NBA career is thus on-hold for now. He got some more immunizations, one in each leg. We are trying to spread them out because we don't want him to get so many at once when he is so young. I was very proud of Brett throughout the whole appt.! He's onto eating baby food (carrots), which I will post the video soon. He's taken to it very well. Today Brett and I went to a parade downtown Chelsea. I think he liked it, although the grass where we sat was pretty exciting too for him! Here he is exploring bubbles for the first time:
I love this video! So cute with the smiles and his legs kicking around! We definitely have to give the bubbles a try at our house :)