A couple weeks ago Kyle and I bravely decided it was time for Brett to switch from his crib to a toddler bed. I had been prolonging this for as long as I could because (as most of you know) he was a terrible sleeper the first couple years of his life, and finally, FINALLY, he had begun to sleep through the night. And then, on top of that, he was only napping about half the time, but I always put him in his crib for atleast an hour for quiet time so we each could have some down time. I knew the crib was safe and I could relax a bit without a second thought. Still though, there was no denying my baby boy was growing up, and getting bigger - which meant lifting him in and out of the crib was starting to take a tole on my back. Plus, he will be 3 in less than 3 months, so we knew it was time. One evening Brett had taken a long nap in his crib and we knew he would be up LATE - so Kyle decided that night would be a great night to put the bed together - and we knew Brett would love helping - which he did :-) And let me just say, I have never seen Brett as excited as I did that night when his "big boy bed" was all put together --- he literally ran laps around the house (at 9:30pm!) in excitement before running into his room and JUMPING on his bed. When I saw that look on his face I knew we did the right thing :-)
Helping daddy take down the crib

"My big boy bed!!!"

Jumping up and down!

Yep, this bed is all mine :-)

The next day he spent lots of time playing in his new bed. Being able to get in and out himself is/was a huge hit!

Since Brett switched to his big boy bed naps have pretty much been non-existent. I've tried many different tactics but he just will not stay in his bed during that time. So instead, we have some quiet time in the middle of the day and bed time has moved way up to between 7:30 and 8pm. And, I have to admit, I really love having the whole evenings to just hang out with Kyle, watch tv, read, and do whatever I want! Plus, he goes to bed without any fight at all (loves being able to crawl in bed himself!) and usually sleeps around 12 hours a night. The only downfall is that since the switch (like I figured would happen), he's been waking up once or twice at night again. He usually just wants a drink of milk or to be tucked in again, but I'm really hoping he starts sleeping through the night again soon. I know my little boy, and it will take some time, but it will happen :-) My baby boy is growing up and I couldn't be more proud of him!!
Aww...I love that you're capturing all of these special moments via blog. It's such a great way to "stay up" on the latest adventures of BZB!!!