Saturday, April 28, 2012

Havin' Fun at Home

Now that Brett doesn't nap anymore there are MANY hours to fill each day. We often hang out at home in the morning in our P.J's, slowly getting ready for the day. While Brett plays I get things done like the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, ya know, the never ending chores that come with being a mother. That is a time I encourage Brett to use his imagination and just PLAY. I truly believe play is a child's work and is the most important 'job' they can do. This is a part in his day I know he loves - no one is around to bother him or guide him in any directions as to how or what he should be doing - and his imagination just takes off! And oh how I love watching his mind go to work!!! After I finish whatever tasks I feel need to be done that day, we usually go on an outing - to a play date, a park, a store, a museum,  the pet store, etc - something to get us out of the house so he can  explore and  I can teach. And no matter where we go, there is always something he can learn. After our outing for the day we usually come home, eat some lunch, have a little rest time (I let him watch some T.V and I often read or rest myself!), and then in the late afternoon it is our time to do an art project, play outside, and just have fun as mother and son while we wait for Kyle to get home. Here are some pictures of us just having fun at home :-)

Brett loves to laugh and just be silly - so here is that beautiful smiling face that I love so much!

Now that Brett has his very own swing set, many afternoons are spent in our backyard, swinging, going down the slide, laughing, and just having a good time!  


One afternoon last week I wanted to do something fun but had run out of ideas  For inspiration, I went on Pinterest and found this awesome, easy activity that I knew Brett would LOVE. You just tape some markers to small cars and trucks and then as you drive them on the paper they make "tracks" and designs all over. Brett has asked to do this activity every day since Thursday when he did it for the first time! Definitely a hit!

Another afternoon we decided to do some painting. I cut up some paper towel rolls for Brett to dip in the paint and then press on the paper to make circles. He did this for a short time and then had other ideas....

"I want to do some mixing, Mommy!" 

The three colors that he had were orange, yellow, and red. He told me that he was going to mix them all together to make black, because he didn't have that color :-) Although there was no black at the end, he sure had a blast stirring, pouring, and experimenting, just like kids should :-)

All in all the days can be LONG being a stay at home mom. The minutes sometimes seem like hours. But ya know what? I wouldn't trade these moments for anything. I know it won't be long before my little boy won't need me for fun anymore, and I will miss these times more than anything.  I don't need a classroom to be a teacher, just an eager 3 year old little boy :-)

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