Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gallup Park!

Last week Brett and I ventured to Gallup Park for the afternoon!  I have always loved this park and every time I go it brings back memories from when Kyle and I were dating. We used to go there often as a new couple - and Kyle liked to surprise me by taking me there for picnics and canoeing. So much fun!!! Since Brett was born I've enjoyed taking him there on occasion, and every year he just seems to like it more and more!I think we'll be going there many times this summer - and maybe even take him on his first canoe ride!

Our friendly greeter, Mr. Goose :-)

Quite the pair!

Enjoying our picnic lunch on the bench by the water

Throwing bread to the ducks and geese. We made lots of friends!

Why hello, Mrs. Goose

Like me, Brett could've hung out with the geese and ducks all day. They made us happy!

The best part was when these cute babies came right up to us to see if we had anything good. So cute!!

Mother Goose says "Don't mess with my goslings!!"

Do you have any goodies for us? Pretty Please?

After spending almost 2 hours watching and feeding the ducks and geese, we decided it was time to go over the big bridges! 

Lots to explore!

We had such a great day there and already can't wait to go back!! Maybe if we're lucky we can convince some friends to join us next time!!

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