Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Special Day for Brett and Molly

Something crazy happened about a year and a half ago on December 24th, Brett's best friend in the whole wide world gave birth to her daughter, Molly!!! Now really, what are the chances of THAT?! I guess it was just another sign from the universe that are friendship is meant to be, and having our children on the same date is just another bond we will share forever :-) Because the holidays are usually so crazy and busy, we decided we should start a tradition where we we get together on their half birthdays to exchange birthday gifts and enjoy a special treat together :-) Even though we've made a point to never let Brett's December 24th birthday get forgotten or jipped of specific b-day presents, it's still nice for him him and Molly to have a designated day to look forward to, a day that is all theirs with no holiday gatherings getting in the way.

For our first annual half birthday celebration Rachel and I took the kids to get cupcakes. Brett was super excited and had been looking forward to this day for awhile! After that we stopped at Berry Bagel's to get lunch and headed to Gallop park to eat, play, and open presents :-)

Of course Brett picked out the confetti cupcake :-) He knows a birthday cupcake when he sees one!

Little Molly had the same kind....and I think she liked it :-)

There was a long line at Berry's so I took the kids outside to play while Rachel waited in line. Brett loved how Molly wanted to do everything he did :-)

Present time was Brett's favorite part! Thanks for the Legos, Rachel!!

I think Molly liked her Music Box too...she stared at for a long time trying to figure the whole thing out! :-)

Once Molly saw Brett holding her new bracelet she realized it must be something fun :-)

And, of course, a half birthday hug was in order after all that fun! They may not realize it now, but they are destined to be friends for life :-)

Unfortunately our day took a turn for the worst soon after this picture was taken. Brett was off feeding the ducks and Molly was sitting so nicely on the Rachel and I started talking away. Then, all the sudden...CRASH....Molly fell face first on to the ground, splitting open her lip. Rachel quickly went into mom mode, scooping her up and trying to console her sobs. Poor little Molly was bleeding pretty bad and bruising up fast, so we both knew what had to happen. It was time for our time to end so Rachel could take Molly home to clean her up and put ice on her lip. The good news is that after a few fussy days due to pain, Molly was fine...the bad news is that our celebration was cut short. Well, that's just another excuse to get together with our cuties later this summer :-) And make some better memories next year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww... thanks for capturing the special day in your blog, Kristin! It really is wild that our kids have the exact same birthday. Thanks for the jewlery box and the great memories:)

    Rachel & Molly
