Saturday, May 2, 2015

Brett's Music Concert!

Brett had his very first music performance at North Creek School on Tuesday....and I have to say, he sure made us proud! He was so excited for the concert and was also really looking forward to showing us some of his artwork in the school after the show.

We dropped him off in the music room before the show, and it was so cute to see all of his classmates greet him as he walked in. Kindergarteners are adorable! The little girl next to Brett even put her arm around him for the picture (which you can't see). So sweet :-)

After dropping Brett off, we went to the cafeteria to sit down and wait for the show to begin.  Then, a few minutes later, the children walked in to find their places on the bleachers. I was worried Brett might get a little nervous once he saw the big crowd....but boy was I wrong! He waved and smiled throughout most of the concert!

After the performance, Brett took us around the school to see some of his artwork. He was so proud of his work and so were we!

Brett and some of his friends lined up near their artwork for pictures...and getting 3 boys to smile and stand still for a photo just wasn't going to!

Silly faces!

Here is a close up of Brett's monster. Love it!!

Camden went with the flow the whole evening and sure loved the music! He sat on Kyle's lap, very still, just listening. It was so cute! He tried really hard to stay awake, but eventually dosed off during the concert but perked up again on the way home :-) He loves being part of the action!

We are so proud of you, Brett, and can't wait to see you perform again some day!!

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