Tuesday, August 4, 2015

9 months old!!

I'm starting to freak out because these months are just going by too fast! It's such a different feeling when you know this is your last baby, and I just want time to slow down a bit so I can savor each and every moment! In less than 3 months now, my baby...the one we tried for over 3 years for...is going to be one year old! Where did all that time go? Life is just so much busier with two boys, and while some days are long, the weeks and months go by in the blink of an eye. As much as I enjoy watching my boys grow, sometimes I wish I could push a pause button and start time back up when I am ready! 

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff...now on to the new fetes of our 9 month old baby boy! He had his 9 month well visit today and is now 21 pounds (73th percentile) and 30 inches long (97th percentile)! He is clearly thriving and growing bigger by the day! Over the past few weeks he has advanced his skills in moving and is officially crawling everywhere! And the speed on this kid is incredible! It's hard to believe he's only been crawling for a few short weeks because he is such a pro already! And the cutest part of all? He is crawling just like his big brother did, with one foot that pushes off the ground :-)  Often times when I get on the floor with him, he will crawl over to me as fast as he can and then climb into my lap and start giving me open mouthed "kisses".  Really, I don't think there could possibly be any better greeting than that! :-) He enjoys peek-a-boo, being sung too (he sings along too!), exploring everything, books (opening and closing the pages is a new favorite), and trying to do everything his big brother does (I can't believe how early that started!). There is no doubt that Brett is his idol already and he lights up every time he is around. And Brett is such a protective big brother! That's one of the nice things about the age difference...I can really trust Brett to help me monitor the things Camden is getting into. He knows what to look out for and rushes to Cam's aid when he's about to do something unsafe (like...say...pull a lamp over. Yep, it already almost happened until Brett saved the day!). Camden's top two teeth are coming in so sleep has been a little more challenging lately, but that's okay because I know I'll sleep again someday :-) He has pulled up to a standing position a few times but hasn't starting cruising along the furniture just yet (that'll probably be next month!). Oh, and one last thing...he loves to go swimming and has greatly enjoyed our many trips to the lake this summer! He is our little water baby :-)

Can you tell from the pictures what a happy little guy he is?! Our hearts are so full and we love him to pieces!

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